As mentioned on this page there are many ways you can contribute financially to the work of Seaford Baptist Church. You can also click and donate using the "donate" button below.
Standing Order
If you have online banking or use your banking app then please use these bank details to set up a standing order.
Sort code: 20-49-76
Account number: 00143618
Account name: Seaford Baptist Church
If you don't use online banking/app then please contact the office for a BACS form.
Other ways of giving
BACS - Account no. 00143618 and Sort Code: 20-49-76
Cheques - made payable to Seaford Baptist Church. You can either bring it on a Sunday morning or drop it into the church office week day mornings.
Cash - You can either bring it on a Sunday morning or drop it into the church office week day mornings.